Ministry Update: November 2021

Hello RU Family,

We have a basket full of improvements and long-awaited changes coming over the next 12 months.  The team here in Rockford is currently preparing for Holiday celebrations, Giving Tuesday, and our End of Year giving. Our “To-Do” list grows each day as we follow HIS path and prepare for 2022 and the Ministries future.  

I believe God is about to take the RU Ministry to a place we have yet to see or imagine.  I am honored to share this journey with you.   

Each day I include our chapters in my daily devotions.  It is heartwarming to see so many people using the RU Program to bring Christ’s Truth to addicts everywhere.  If I can be of service in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.

Brad Woodbury

CEO/Executive Director for RU Recovery