Welcome to RU Recovery

Your Path to Recovery Begins AT RU

We are a Faith-Based Recovery program bringing transformation to hurting people & communities everywhere.

Transforming Lives, Restoring Hope

The Impact of Faith-Based Recovery

Grim, B.J. & Grim, M.E. J Relig Health (2019) https://rdcu.be/bQlQE


Faith-based volunteer support groups contribute up to $316.6 billion in savings to the US economy every year at no cost to tax payers.


More than 84% of scientific studies show that faith is a positive factor in addiction prevention or recovery.


An estimated 20,000+ lives are saved every year because of faith-based recovery programs in churches.
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Unleash Hope:

Partner with Us in Faith-Based Recovery

Addiction’s grip tightens on 1 in 4 lives, indifferent to age, gender, or class. Its consequences echo through our community, affecting the economy, crime rates, health, income, and education. Yet, the most profound impact is on individual lives and the hearts of their loved ones. Join hands with RU to be a beacon of hope, spreading the Cure for Addiction. Together, let’s transform lives and bring healing to our community.