We Want to Help
Explore our collection of free resources designed to support individuals on their journey to recovery. Our materials offer faith-based guidance, practical tools, and inspirational content to help overcome addiction and find lasting freedom.
An Introspective Survey
Am I Addicted?
Take our introspective survey to answer this vital question. Walk through 12 thought-provoking questions to help you self-assess your habits and behaviors. We encourage you to write your answers down on a separate note. This journey of reflection can be the first step toward understanding and overcoming addiction.
- Do you love a certain destructive habit?
- Do you think about this habit obsessively?
- Do you feel the need to hide this habit?
- Do you run to this habit to cope with stress or problems?
- Do you find it hard to imagine your life without it?
- Do you plan your life around this habit?
- Have you ever tried to quit this habit and failed?
- Are you wasting precious time or money on this habit?
- Have friends or relatives complained about this habit?
- Have friends or relatives complained about this habit?
- Does this habit isolate you from meaningful relationships?
- Has this habit stopped being fun?
- Do you have a desire to break free from the control of this habit?

7 Daily Task For Recovery
“My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.” - Proverbs 23:26
- Search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11)
- Pray (Psalm 86:3)
- Praise God (Psalm 119:164)
- Exhort (Hebrews 3:13)
- Take Up Your Cross (Luke 9:23)
- Die to Yourself (I Corinthians 15:31)
- Perform Your Vows (Psalm 61:8)
How to Use The Daily Journa
The “It’s Personal” Daily Journal is the key to unlocking your success in freedom from stubborn habits and addictions.
What We Do
RU Recovery™ provides individuals struggling with addiction a holistic approach to recovery rooted in faith, compassion, and community support. By embracing our RU Recovery Journal, the RU 10 principles of faith-based recovery, and the Fruits of the Spirit, all found in our complete program curriculum, participants experience sobriety, real victory, restored relationships, and a newfound sense of purpose and hope.
Local Meetings
Churches and Institutions across America host an RU Recovery class every week.
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