For over a decade, the Reformers Unanimous Schools of Discipleship have been a staple in this ministry. One student called it “The Depot of Redemption,” and our founder called them; “a greenhouse for Gods word.”  However, you referred to 4149 Safford Road and 310 Arnold Avenue; they each stood as a beacon of hope and a place for restoration for hundreds of God’s children. 

The men’s and ladies’ homes have been a staple in the RU Ministry for over a decade. Because of your support, these two facilities have transformed lives across the globe. Students from Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Italy, England, France, and every corner of the United States live sober lives today because of your dedication.

During the 2019 National Conference, we announced plans to begin liquidating ministry assets. Shortly after that announcement, our entire world witnessed a pandemic forever changing how we live and operate. The financial devastation to churches across the globe was significant. The ministry felt these effects on our hearts, spirits, and financial obligations. In 2020 the RU ministry suffered an 89% loss of income. Although the Lord provided operational funds, our chapters, sales, and student numbers remained over 25% below former years.    

The RU Ministry no longer had a choice, and the Lord’s will to close our homes became evident. With broken hearts and tear-filled eyes, our ladies’ home doors closed in December of 2021. Shortly after, in March of 2022, the RU staff served one final meal in the Kitchen of the men’s home. The blessings and memories shared in our homes have left a legacy that will live for an eternity. 

It is a New Day!!

The need for honest Faith-Based residential facilities has never been greater. We intend to re-establish these homes in more efficient and economic properties. The current RU staff and Board of Directors are working to re-create a business model that will allow growth that we have never seen before. God has made HIS WILL extremely clear, and the RU Program will continue. He has provided the staff and the finances to carry the ministry into a new chapter of its own. The RU Board of Directors and current leadership will soon announce specific plans and a five-year Vision. 

The core values and lessons of RU Recovery do not live inside a building. It lives in the curriculum that God created through Brother Curington. The power of His word has always been the focus of the RU program. That is alive and well today, and God has paved a path to ensure it remains available to everyone, everywhere. 

Please pray about your support for God’s work through RU Recovery. We want to see these homes reesrenewed and reopened. There are millions of suffering addicts, and they need a relationship with Christ TODAY!  

Thank You,

2022 RU Board of Directors

 and Brad Woodbury

(RU Recovery Executive Director/CEO)

***Please note: The RU Ministry will continue to assist students in finding residential treatment options. We have a list of Faith-Based programs across the US. We are adding to that list each day. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you or a student needs help.