Faces of Recovery | The Jenny Elias Story


Faces of Recovery | The Jenny Elias Story

SKU AD-402 Category


Looking for Peace | The Jenny Elias Story  –  Using the testimonies of transformed lives are a powerful way to advertise your RU chapter. This tract shows the power of God as Jenny finds freedom in Christ after a life of misery with drugs, jail, and bad choices. Read an excerpt from this tract: I was lost in my addiction, and literally drowning in my own misery. I attended approximately 10 secular rehabs, mental hospitals, and had multiple jail visits. There seemed to be no hope that I would ever live a normal life. But God… (100-Pack)

Additional information

Weight1.23 lbs
Dimensions6.5 × 3.75 × 1.5 in
Comes in Packs of

Ad Campaigns

Story Tracks


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