We are excited to do everything possible to ensure that your purchase experience with RU Recovery Ministries is a smooth and enjoyable process. Our shipping and fulfillment staff want to give every order a personal touch. Do not hesitate to call us with any problems or questions.
jennye@reformu.com | 815-209-2753
These policies apply to specific types of products and services.
Jennifer Elias
Shipping Manager
Church Name, City, State, and Charter (K#) If Applicable
Your Name and Phone Number
Invoice Number
Part Number(s) with problems
333 E. State St. Suite 104
Rockford, IL 61104
Thank you for visiting us online. We are working hard everyday to improve this experience. If you are in need of help with your addiction please call our helpline at 866.733.6768.
5260 Highway 9
Green Sea, SC 29545
(866) 733-6768
Or for Specific Request Click Here