Ministry Update: RU Schools of Discipleship

Hello RU Family,

I pray this finds you enjoying the new year. Many new projects and programs are coming, and we needed a simple, easy way to keep everyone updated. We also promised to improve our communication and transparency. We created one place for all Ministry updates and general information to solve both problems. 

Past messages are already posted. This page will be a public journal for RU Recovery. It will contain details about ongoing projects, current issues, board decisions, general FAQs, and more. We will also discuss the questions and concerns presented by Pastors and Directors. The page is available now, and the first new post will be the details explaining the reasoning behind this announcement.

Today I must report and confirm some bittersweet news.  

After many hours of prayer and fasting, we have made the difficult decision to close the doors on our men’s and ladies homes.

By the end of March 2022, our two beloved student homes will be closed. If you are like me and would like further explanation, please read the post at I have detailed the events that led us to this decision and the plans for future student facilities. Please see for these specifics.

We wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude for the many years of prayer and support for our homes. I speak for the thousands of men and women, like myself, who found the truth within our walls. 

Thank You for making these homes a reality. This news may be sad on the surface, but this decision paves the way for new and incredible opportunities for Christ through His RU Ministry. In John 14 Christ tells us, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” He is taking the lead at RU, and He has made it clear that the RU Program is not contained in a building. RU Recovery is His outreach to the addicted, and He is just getting started.

God Bless You, 

your Chapter, 

your Church, 

and your Ministry to the addicted. 

Thank you for your continued support of RU Recovery, 

In His Hands,

Brad Woodbury

CEO/Executive Director 

for RU Recovery

Reformers Unanimous will close its Residential Discipleship Program

The Story behind the decision…


The following article is a detailed account of the events and divine intervention that led RU Leadership to close its residential program. 

Written by: Brad Woodbury 

(CEO/Executive Director)

February 2022


During our 2019 “Recover Together” conference, Ministry leadership announced the need and intention to become “debt-free.” We further reported the deficit of our residential program and the immediate need to address this issue. We stated that Ministry assets would be consolidated and sold. Those real estate properties were placed for sale at that time. Since 2019 there have been no interest or tangible offers. 

In 2020, the worldwide pandemic played a significant role in our ability to continue operating. However, these provisions would only provide a bandage for a bleeding wound without reducing the deficit. All efforts to change the numbers failed. The current world situation and newly imposed regulations painted a darker picture. 

During 2020 and throughout the six months of 2021, RU witnessed a 42% reduction in support for the homes. 38% reduction in residential program support and 72% of owed student tuition remained uncollected. In August 2021, our residential program was operating with a 76% deficit. The facilities themselves averaged $9k per month to maintain. Although the housing ministry had seldom documented a profit, this loss was historic. Our leadership team had no choice but to push a liquidation. 


(((Housing Ministry Vs. National Chapter Ministry)))

(((When I was given the role of CFO in late 2017, I was asked to look into the consistent loss within the housing ministry. B Burks often brought this issue to our attention many times. Shortly after starting my new job, I conducted a forensic audit of the Ministry’s finances. My investigation focused on 2010 to the current date, which was 2018.

What I found was a constant ebb and flow between the two Ministries. There were periods when Housing supported National, and vice versa. God had created a symbiotic relationship between the two sides of the Ministry. In 2018, this balance started to shift, and it would never balance again.)))

August of 2021 brought a mountain of non-financial issues as well. This month would be recorded as one of the darkest times in RU history. After a board meeting in Mid August, the Ministry was presented with the resignations of three key leaders, three board members, and key staff members. This large exit came on the heels of a public allegation involving the Ministry in immoral actions and dishonorable conduct. Together this seemed to be more than the Ministry could withstand. 

The mass exit of those mentioned above left a small group of individuals holding the reins of leadership. The then CFO and the remaining board members quickly met to formulate a plan of action. The board members agreed to a rigorous meeting schedule offering assistance to the newly named CEO/Director. Each subsequent meeting addressed Ministry issues, and each member asked for the Lord’s independent guidance. 

Each remaining board member verbally stated one common passion; The RU Ministry MUST continue. Their actions provide proof of their dedication and Faith in God’s Will for the future of RU. They all quickly realized the critical task ahead and have promised to see that this anointed program remains in operation. 

We knew God had chosen us for this mission. We also knew that we needed a miracle. The upkeep of three massive buildings and decreasing income created a 41% weekly deficit within our general operating funds. We made some plans, but we prayed for God’s help most of all. 

God didn’t keep us waiting long. He sent that Miracle one Tuesday in September. The first call from our realtor came at about 10 am. By 4 pm that same day, we had a written offer for each property and here is the number one solution to buy and sell the property at the best price. Not only did each home have a reasonable offer, but each also requested a close date after the current students had graduated.


All the realtors in our agent’s office still talk about this today. One realtor asked, “What kind of special prayer do you use?” This event opened the door for several agents to hear about the “Christian business” that sold all their assets in one day. God showed Himself mighty to many non-believers on that Tuesday.  

We witnessed something that only God could have orchestrated. His will has been made evident, and He has confirmed this decision at every turn. 

We finally had some hope and a plan to fund the continuation of the RU Ministry. We also agree that God is clearing a pathway for RU not only to continue but to explode across our Nation. 

The process of selling assets has been arduous and melancholy, but we are watching His hands at work. We have been able to find placement for all remaining Grad Students and housing staff. We prayed and waited on Him, and He worked out a solution for each person.  

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

We realize that we have been reluctant to share our residential policies and procedures with you. In the past, we always encouraged you to send students to Rockford. Although we had the best intentions, the current leadership team wants to ensure that our residential program is available to anyone who would like to utilize it. 

Currently, we are packaging our program for anyone interested in starting a home or long-term facility. We will soon offer a new product, “RU Residential Student Program Manual.” This product is a set of three-ring binders with everything needed to start a student facility. The RU Residential program is effective, it works, and thousands of alumni will attest to its success. I’m delighted to see this finally offered as a product to anyone interested in helping addicts through biblical structure and teaching. 

Our five-year marketing plan has made provisions for restoring a lady’s and men’s facility. If the Lord opens this door, we will follow through. Until that time, we will continue helping find Faith-Based treatment options for students in need. We are currently working to create a list of partners that genuinely glorify the Lord and present Christ as the answer. Please call our main office line if you have a student that needs a residential facility. We will assist in finding a solution. 

We currently have a list of openings for men and women in homes with similar guidelines.

On Husband and Wife team have opened a ladies’ home here in Rockford. This home is led by two graduates of our student program.

Another Ministry operates a program for both men and women within two hours of Rockford. We are currently referring students to this facility.  

One of our original chapters also offers a program for men. We have partnered with this Church for many years and plan to continue.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Please call us for more information about these and other Faith-Based residential options. 

The last few days and weeks have been difficult to endure, but the Lord is moving, and I am confident that we will see an RU-operated residential program active once again. 

Thousands of men and women have found much more than sobriety within the walls of our homes. Our homes have genuinely been a greenhouse for Faith. I am a graduate of the 2014 class, and I owe all I have today to the RU Housing Ministry. My goal and passion are to see the doors reopen as quickly as possible. 

Contact me personally if you have questions or concerns about anything listed here. 

Please accept my upfront apology. My phone stays pretty busy. I am answering and returning calls each day and as they come in. Many of you don’t know me personally, so the phone calls usually last about an hour. It has been extraordinary hearing about your chapters, churches, and personal RU stories. That’s what we hope to include in our marketing; Your RU Journey and YOUR Stories of Victory. 

I Thank You in advance for your patience and understanding. I will get back to you as quickly as possible. 

May God continue to Bless you and your dedication to the RU Mission. 

Together we are bringing transformation to Lives Everywhere! 

Only for Him,

Brad Woodbury

CEO/Executive Director

for RU Recovery


Please NOTE:  Although most of you have already switched your contributions to general Ministry support, If you currently support a student tuition program (Timothy Fund, RU Covered), we will contact you soon to discuss your sponsorship.

Student tuition and treatment assistance funds are still available.