


What is Full Throttle?

RU Full Throttle is a weekly program just for teens that meets on Friday night. At Full Throttle, every message is designed to impact teenagers right where they live; with the issues and struggles they face every day. We talk directly about what the teens are facing, and how the Bible has the answers to their problems.
Statistics tell us that teenagers and young adults are leaving churchs in droves, frustrated by a religious system of traditions that does not address the issues they face and the lives they live. According to the Barna research group, one-third of teens say “church is boring”, and one-quarter say “faith is not relevant to my career or interests”. Sixty percent of teens who grew up attending church will leave it within two years of graduating high school, and by the time college graduation comes around the number rises to 80%.



We believe it is because even though the Bible has the answers to these young adults’ questions and struggles, Christians generally do a terrible job at engaging teenagers with those answers. We have the Power of the ages at our disposal; and yet, we present that to teens in a boring and un-exciting way.
That’s why RU Full Throttle was created; to change the way teens are reached with the gospel. To show them just how exciting a life with Christ can be. The primary purpose of Full Throttle is to reach teenagers who have not grown up in a “church” setting and who do not have a relationship with Christ. We seek to introduce them to the Bible in a way that is attractive to them where they are. The purpose of Full Throttle is to help influence a generation to come to the knowledge of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and teach them to live according to the Bible principles. The program is designed to fit into a Friday night RU addiction recovery meeting, but can be used independently as a resource for reaching teens.

Some of the areas we cover:


Want to Start a Full Throttle Chapter?

Head over to our Full Throttle Website to fill out an online application or for more information on Full Throttle, call us today at 815-986-0460.