End of Year Letter 2021

Dear RU Supporter,

As a fellow supporter, I wanted to say THANK YOU for helping bring Christ to those in need.  The challenges we have faced recently may seem impossible, but God’s love and provision continue despite everything the enemy throws our way.  Many have seen God’s goodness in their own lives because of your contributions.  Let me share a few stories that you helped make possible. 

June 2021  
A 59-Year-Old man from Tennessee came to the RU Program in June of 2020.  He had been addicted to heroin and cocaine since age 16.  Many programs and many hospitals. No family, no friends.  He now has a renewed relationship with his entire family and more friends than he can count.  He serves the RU Ministry in our Warehouse today.  

March 2021 
A 32-year-old man came to an RU Friday night meeting directly from serving years in prison.  Desperately searching for a way to rebuild his life.  Today he is a successful high school teacher.  He is a member of several Christian Organizations and speaks to teens about addiction, a life of crime, and Faith-Based Recovery. 

April 2021
A 35-year-old man left the RU program and overdosed on heroin and meth.  Revived by a medical team, but organs began to fail.  After three weeks in ICU, he was released from the hospital and started Dialysis (3 times per week for the remainder of his life.) June of 2021, he walked with a cane into the DSS office to apply for disability.  Today, he sprints to a full-time job, volunteers for the RU National ministry, and his kidneys function at 100%. (on Christ’s power.) 

I have shared a few more recent stories on the second page.  Each one reflects; a family restored, an addict walking in Victory, and most importantly, a soul saved.  All this is possible because of God’s Grace through YOU.

Thank You,

Brad Woodbury
Executive Director/CEO for RU Recovery Ministries