Hidden Life: Dissected Definition
The “Hidden Life” is best described as exercising a measure of confidence (that’s faith) in God’s ability to do the work (that’s grace) necessary in my life to conform me to the image of His Son (that’s fruit) through a daily walk with Him. I will not do the work (that’s performing) I will allow the work to be done in me (that’s transforming). I must realize that God did not come to change my life (that’s self-righteousness.) He came to exchange it (that’s righteousness!)
At salvation we received two benefits. The first benefit is Justification. That is freedom from the penalty of sin. We no longer have to go to hell. We can spend eternity in heaven. The second benefit is sanctification. This is freedom from the power of sin. The book of Romans tells us that sin should no longer have dominion over us, for we are not under the law (where man does the work) but we are under grace (where God does the work).
Hidden Life: Daily Application
As a result, I will die daily through confession and repentance of all sin that is brought to my conscience by the Holy Spirit during my daily walk and throughout my day. As I do this, I will experience a greater enlightenment in my worship. My enlivened worship will then provide me with the most coveted act of the Spirit, and that is intuition. With Holy Spirit intuition, I will be a clean vessel and qualify for God’s power on my walk and work!
Hidden Life: Performing vs. Transforming
God intends for our relationship with Him to be a catalyst for proper actions and reactions in the adversities of life. It is called conforming by transforming. However, when you are merely learning about God and not getting to really know God you will find your life is more focused on conforming by….performing!
The local church is God’s only support group to facilitate this change in my life. Let the Truth set you free…finally!
“The Hidden Life is a term that I have designed to describe what I believe is the Truth about victorious Christian living. It’s not about information; it’s about a personal relation.” – Steve Curington (Get the Best of Steve Curington’s Lessons on the Abundant Life on MP3 CD)
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