How Faith-Based Recovery Works

What we believe about addiction and our approach to addiction recovery.

There are well over 25 million addicts in America.

Every addict significantly impacts the lives of at least four people, which means that well over 100 million people in our society are impacted by the devastating results of addiction and are in search of hope and healing. Over 400 studies have been conducted on the role of faith in addiction recovery and these studies have found a success rate of 40%-60% in most faith-based programs. 1

What is Addiction?

Addiction is at its core spiritual in nature. Stemming from an improper spiritual condition, which the Bible calls sin, people with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences. These repeated behaviors often create physical dependence and can also result in physiological and mental illnesses. RU takes a “whole” man approach. We partner with local doctors for the mental and physical side of addiction. Our focus is to address the core spiritual side of addiction. We provide support and hope to those dealing with addictive behaviors through faith, the church, accountability, a complete curriculum, and weekly classes.

How Does Faith-Based Recovery Work?

Faith in Hope

At our Friday Night classes, we don’t focus on war stories of addiction. In the first hour of our program, new students hear testimonies of victory and recovery over addiction. This way they can begin to see and believe hope and recovery is available.

Faith and Accountability

A key to faith-based programs is the infrastructure to lovingly hold these individuals accountable. With faith-based programs, you have individual volunteers and staff that genuinely care about people and will go out of their way to hold them accountable while showing them real love.

Faith with Support

Faith-based addiction programs can serve as a bridge between the local community and (as we like to say at RU) “God’s Support Group is the Local Church.” Having a church family that loves and surrounds these individuals helps create a support network of family that the addict can rely on when the pressures of life hit. Many people who fall into addiction have burned bridges with their families and loved ones and don’t have a support group on which they can depend.

Faith in a Personal Relationship

The “secret sauce” and the main ingredient to the success of the RU Program and many other faith-based programs are teaching our students to have a personal, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. Faith-based recovery programs help people realize that they are not alone in addiction—and if they place their trust in Jesus Christ and depend on Him, they can beat whatever addiction it is that has them in bondage.

Ways We Can Help You!

Find a Local Meeting

We have hundreds of locations across the US and in many foreign countries.

Personal Recovery Kit

The Personal Recovery Kit is an affordable recovery plan that you can use in the privacy of your own home without disrupting your daily life.

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